Voices of Gotham Announced as 2016 Cultural Development Fund Recipient by NYC Department of Cultural Affairs


Brian Lindvall

The New York City Department of Cultural Affairs announced on Tuesday, September 15, 2015 that Voices of Gotham is the recipient of a 2016 Cultural Development Fund Award in the amount of $5,000 in support of its 2015-2016 Community Concert & Contest Series. This series will include two public concerts featuring Voices of Gotham, in addition to the Tin Pan Alley Quartet Competition, an annual public barbershop quartet contest, which will bring quartets from the five boroughs of New York City and the Tri-State area to compete in front of both an audience and adjudication panel. All performances will feature new arrangements of songs written in the barbershop harmony and contemporary a cappella styles by the emerging and established composers of Voices of Gotham's Arrangers' Lab.

As described on their website, the New York City Department of Cultural Affairs (DCLA) is dedicated to supporting and strengthening New York City's vibrant cultural life. One of its primary missions is to ensure adequate public funding for not-for-profit cultural organizations, both large and small, throughout the City of New York. Qualifying not-for-profit organizations are funded through the Cultural Development Fund (CDF), which is managed by DCLA’s Program Services Unit. These awards support a wide variety of programs organized by cultural organizations ranging from neighborhood-based groups to New York City's largest cultural institutions. CDF Applications are submitted online each year, and are reviewed by panels comprised of experts in the field and representatives of the City's elected officials.

Currently, the DCLA receives applications from more than 1,100 organizations, and administers grants totaling $35 million to more than 881 nonprofit arts and cultural organizations representing a wide range of disciplines and providing cultural experiences for the City’s residents and visitors.